A Budapest Táncszínház bemutatja: KARMA DANCE PROJECT

A Budapest Táncszínház bemutatja 2018. április 27-én, 20:00 órakor a DEPO stúdiószínházában (Budapest 1097 Koppány u.15.) a franciaországi KARMA DANCE PROJECT 2 részből álló estjét. 

Choreography: Lorand Zachar
Music: Ezio Bosso
Dancers: Alice Valentin-Kermorvant, Ikki Hoshino and Pedro Lozano Gomes

The mirror of a fading soul will not reflect its true feelings. Shards of hurting are tearing apart the emotional integrity of a person seeking forgiveness, splintering all the happiness and sadness of each passing day into a thousand pieces. Becoming one with the etheric body of ill feelings turns into a restlessness of a whirling needlepoint, a constant and haunting reminder boiling like a harrowing stream of blood in the human body. There are three in the circle: one is fading whilst the other two are glowing. There is no relief for anyone; the circle is protecting and strangling at the same time, until the wilted one is forced out. His cold world falls upon the remaining two. Frozen, stiff bodies float along the surging outlines of the circle as a happy life finally falls into oblivion

Chreography: Gigi Caciuleanu
Music: « Prélude à une après-midi d’un faune » by Claude Debussy
Dancers: Alice Valentin-Kermorvant and Ikki Hoshino

Inspired by the music by Claude Debussy and based on the poem by Stéphane Mallarmé, this duet sketches the encounter between two linear beings; their flesh has the appearance of thin air and love.
Drawns, but not painted, thet are two entities that despite their sensuality, they never touch each other (Aimai-je un rêve?*) but, rather like magnetic fileds, they interfere. These two beings (Couple, adieu; je vais voir l’ombre que tu devins*) will meet through interferences.

Ticket price: 2500 HUF.

Az esemény Facebook-oldala: https://www.facebook.com/events/1709637959075684/

Forrás, fotó forrása: Budapest Táncszínház